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Exam 70-534: Architecting Azure Solutions| 70-534 PDF Download


http://www.examsbus.com/70-534.html  provides up to date and customized study material designed by professionals that have the experience and information in the Microsoft 70-534 industry. With our Microsoft 70-534 pdf, you will see the questions that were on the previous Microsoft 70-534 exams. Our professionals have gathered all the past papers information as well as engaged information from their analysis on upgrading and new producers in the industry. In this way, we can guarantee our clients that their study materials and dumps are one of the best in the industry.

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This exam is divided into six main categories, but as always, the topics described in this page or at the Microsoft Learning home page do not limit the questions you can be asked at the exam. The Exam is also a beta exam, that means that it most likely will change soon. Therefor, remember to check the Official page before entering the 70-534 exam.

  1. Design Microsoft Azure infrastructure and networking
  2. Secure resources
  3. Design an application storage and data access strategy
  4. Design an advanced application
  5. Design websites
  6. Design a management, monitoring, and business continuity strategy

Design Microsoft Azure infrastructure and networking (15–20%)

  • Describe how Azure uses Global Foundation Services (GFS) datacenters
  • Design Azure virtual networks, networking services, DNS, DHCP, and IP addressing configuration
  • Design Azure Compute
  • Describe Azure virtual private network (VPN) and ExpressRoute architecture and design

You are configuring your Mac OS X computer to authenticate at the login window through an LDAP server. Which Open Directory user attribute are you NOT required to map to an LDAP user attribute?
A. UniqueID
B. MCXFlags
C. RealName
D. RecordName

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 42
You are configuring Mac OS X client computers to access user records in a third-party directory. Without modifying the schema on the third-party directory, how can you provide valid mount records for network home folders?
A. Create a mount record in the local LDAP directory on the Mac OS X client.
B. Use Directory Access to map VFSType to apple-user-homeurl on each client computer.
C. Use the Active Directory schema rather than the RFC 2307 schema on the LDAP directory.
D. Supplement the third-party directory with a directory on Mac OS X Server to host the mount records.

Correct Answer: D70-534 PDF

Your Mac OS X Server LDAP server provides LDAP mappings via DHCP. How can clients obtain the schema mappings for your server?
A. The mappings are delivered as part of the DHCP OFFER packet.
B. Clients request the schema mappings via the MetaDirectory protocol.
C. Clients install the schema files at /etc/openldap/schema on the client computer.
D. Clients query the LDAP server for the mapping configuration entry at cn=macosxodconfig,cn=config.

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 44
An administrator assigns a computer with Mac OS X Server v10.4 to the role of Open Directory replica. What information will the administrator NOT be prompted to provide about the Open Directory master being replicated?
A. IP address of the master
B. MAC address of the master
C. root password for the master
D. LDAP directory administrator user name on the master

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 45
Chris is logged into a Mac OS X computer using a non-admin network user account provided by Mac OS X Server v10.4. The user account is configured to use an Open Directory password. When Chris tries to connect to an AFP server that is configured to use only Kerberos authentication, an uthenticate to Kerberos dialog appears, requesting a name, realm, and password.
Chris enters the user account name and password again, and clicks OK. The same dialog reappears.
What can a local system administrator do to resolve Chris issue?
A. Tell Chris to log on to the client computer with a secure shadow hash.
B. Enable the Kerberosv5 plug-in in Directory Access on the client computer.
C. Use kdestroy to destroy any existing tickets in the cache on the client computer.
D. Ensure that the date, time, and time zone on the Mac OS X client and on the key distribution center (KDC) are synchronized.
E. Tell Chris to cancel the uthenticate to Kerberos dialog, connect to the AFP server as guest, and assume the connection is secure.

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 46
In a default configuration, what LDAP user name do clients enter in Directory Access to perform LDAP queries on Mac OS X Server Open Directory?
A. ldap
B. admin
C. cn=ldap,dc=example,dc=com
D. cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
E. Nonehe default configuration allows anonymous binding.

Correct Answer: E
Which is a valid concern when using the Archive feature in Open Directory services on Mac OS X Server v10.4?
A. The archive does not include the local NetInfo database or configuration files.
B. The archive contains all of the account passwords and should not be left unsecured.
C. You cannot archive a copy of the Open Directory data while the Open Directory master is in service.
D. Kerberos must be reconfigured after restoring from an archive, because the archive does not include Kerberos data.

Correct Answer: B
You are troubleshooting an Open Directory LDAP server. Which step will allow you to gather troubleshooting information from the server?
A. Start slapd with the flag -d 99.
B. Turn on verbose logging in Server Admin.
C. Start DirectoryServices with the flag -debug.
D. Edit /etc/hostconfig to contain LDAPARGS=’-d’.

Correct Answer: A

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More questions are available at http://www.cisco200-120.com/microsoft-70-534-dumps-real-exam-questions-and-answers.html

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